Climate change has become a significant issue that directly impacts the youth and children in profound ways. In response to this current issue, the Foundation for the Development of Agusanons, Inc. (FDAI) organized a three-day summer youth camp with the theme “Woke Children and Youth: Agents of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.” The activity aimed to enlighten children and youth on the current environmental challenges that the world faces and empower them to become active agents of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The first day of the camp commenced with the arrival of youth from various project areas of FDAI’s Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Project, a project that is co-financed by the Government of Luxembourg and KNH. A traditional ritual was led by a Babaylan to honor the environment and seek guidance of the spirits for the duration of the camp. Eighty (80) enthusiastic youths were in attendance, who all showed utmost eagerness to acquire knowledge and later share and apply the same in their respective barangays.
The first session, facilitated by Sarah Jane Escabarte, RSW of FDAI, discussed the basics of climate change. Through video presentation and discussion, Ms. Escabarte explained the impacts of climate change on youth and children, highlighting issues such as malnutrition and abuse. She also clarified the difference between hazards and disasters, engaging the youth in an interactive and informative session. The afternoon session focused attention on Household Preparedness Plan (HPP) activity, which emphasized practical steps for climate adaptation and mitigation. HPP is essential for the participants since they live in areas highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
In the following day, the participants were divided into two groups to visit two offices, namely the Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (DENR-PENRO) and the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (PDRRMO). At the PDRRMO, Officer Armando Gomez shared with the participants information on climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, particularly the ones in which the youth and children could take part on. Meanwhile, at the DENR-PENRO, participants attended a series of lectures on environmental management and engaged in soil bagging activities, fostering unity and active participation. The youth felt satisfied that they contributed to the continuous operations of a tree nursery that produces endemic tree seedlings.
The evening of the second day featured Pasundayag sa Kagabhion, where the youth showcased their talents through spoken poetry, slogans, posters, and other creative expressions that have direct and strong relevance to climate change adaptation and mitigation. The Pasundayag sa Kagabhion concluded with a heartfelt rendition of the song titled Heal the World.
The last day of the camp saw the participants sharing their learnings and commitment to be agents of climate change adaptation and mitigation. They emphasized the importance of individual actions in making a difference as they pledged to be advocates for environmental sustainability in their communities. The closing part of the activity was a ritual to demonstrate the dedication and commitment of the participants to apply and shared what they have learned from all the sessions given. This was demonstrated by writing their learnings on flower-shaped papers and floated them in a basin of water.
Indeed, the Summer Youth Camp 2024 hosted by FDAI, in partnership with the KNH, was a significant step toward empowering the youth to take action against climate change. By equipping them with knowledge and skills, the camp fostered a sense of responsibility and unity among the participants. Additionally, this event highlighted the crucial role of the younger generation in mitigating the impacts of climate change and encouraged a collective effort to save the planet.
#SummerYouthCamp2024#FDAIFoundationforthe Development OfagusanonsInc