Malaria Elimination Program

Project Description

A project dubbed as Agusan del Sur Malaria Control and Prevention Program (ADS – MCP) was implemented from 1995 up to 2003 in the whole Province of Agusan del Sur. The Project, which was funded by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), saw the active participation of the Department of Health, the Provincial Government of Agusan del Sur and various organizations, agencies, and individuals. In the end, the Project brought down to a very significant degree malaria cases in Agusan del Sur – a determinant of project success that became the basis of AusAID to think of fading away from the scene.

But before finally fading away from the scene and upon the recommendation of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Mission commissioned by AusAID, which studied and prepared a financial analysis of the minimum and optimal requirement that would enable the complete integration of ADS – MCP; AusAID contributed AUD$750,000 or P22.5 million as initial funds for the Community Trust Fund (CTF).

The concept underlying the CTF is that, for a small investment, Australia is contributing to malaria reduction within the Province of Agusan del Sur after the end of the Agusan del Sur Malaria Control and Prevention Program Consolidation and Integration Phase (ADSMCP-CIP). Therefore, the gains from the seven years of ADS – MCP are retained within the Province. A well-managed and sustainable CTF will provide the province and municipalities with access to financial resources indefinitely and, thus, capitalize on the achievements of the Project.

The Foundation for the Development of Agusanons, Inc. (FDAI) has since dubbed the engagement as Malaria Elimination Program; which has contributed to the ZERO-MALARIA CASE in Agusan del Sur for the past 5 years – which is a huge achievement considering that as much as 5,000 cases occurred in the province before the program commenced.

For details about the program, read the book titled FINDING AND FUNDING MEANS: Beyond the Elimination of Malaria in Agusan del Sur.